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MongoDB 3.0.3 is released

MongoDB 3.0.3 is out and is ready for production deployment. This release contains only fixes since 3.0.2, and is a recommended upgrade for all 3.0 users.

Fixed in this release:
SERVER-18211 MongoDB fails to save data before rolling back collection-creation
SERVER-18014 Dropping a collection can block creating a new collection for an extended time under WiredTiger
SERVER-17907 B-tree eviction blocks access to collection for extended period under WiredTiger
SERVER-17889 Using eval command to run mapReduce with non-inline "out" option triggers fatal assertion failure
SERVER-17882 Update with key too large to index crashes WiredTiger/RockDB secondary
SERVER-17820 Windows service stop can lead to mongod abrupt termination due to long shutdown time
SERVER-17453 warn that db.eval() / eval command is deprecated

3.0 Release Notes: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/release-notes/3.0
Downloads: http://www.mongodb.org/downloads
All Issues: https://jira.mongodb.org/issues/?jql=project%20in%20(%22SERVER%22%2C%20%22TOOLS%22)%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%223.0.3%22

As always, please let us know of any issues.

-- The MongoDB Team

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